Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Political Correctness...

Has there ever been a more foolish concept in the history of mankind than political correctness? I discourage it in all forms personally. I am not politically correct, I don't want to be either want to be politically correct. I'd rather be ran over by an out of control fork lift and impaled than be caught in an act of political correctness.

I have no gripe against "go along to get along" but it seems to me that political correctness is just an excuse to paint little white lies and mistruths. If you don't like me for what ever the reason let it be known. I'll have more respect for the one that blasts me and everything I stand for than the one that sweet talks to my face and talks shit when my back is turned.

Prejudice is a part of human nature, it's unavoidable. I know white people that have nothing against blacks or any other culture, race or creed but can't stand other white people with long raggedy hair and tattoos. I know white people who have nothing against people of a different race but as soon as they see a black man walking the streets they lock their car door. There are black people who don't like other black people because their skin is to dark or to light. Sexually speaking some are turned on by a skinny little bean pole yet are repulsed by a big fat ass and vica versa. There are people who will date people from other races but not from their own or who will not date anyone who is not of their own kind. Some are attracted to red hair and others repulsed by it. Does that make them bigots and/or racists? No it makes them human.

The term racist or racism is played out these days. Back in the 1980s and 1990s people in the public had their careers and lives ruined due to charges of racism: John Rocker, Jimmy the Greek, Andrew Dice Clay and a host of others. For the Average Joe/Jane the mere charge could get you fired from your job, at least if you were white. Being accused of racism, sexism homophobia and etc. are accusations just as serious today as they ever were. But yet it's become like the "Boy that cries wolf" by now. So, at least that's one good thing the liberals have done, they have ran the accusations into the ground so much they mean nothing anymore. Thanks guys, we needed to get back to some level of sanity sooner or later. Sanity is not your strong suits.

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