Thursday, July 8, 2010

Expert Opinion...

It seems the world is full of experts these days. Or at least the world of Network News is full of experts providing "expert opinions". Every time there is a big national calamity such as a terrorist attack or mass shooting or something else that gets a media splash the "experts" come out of the wood works on the news networks. I do not know if it is just me but anymore I am convinced that "expert commentary" is the equivalent to spreading manure 9/10 times. Only there is a purpose to spreading manure. Spreading manure will enrich the earth and fertilize it and make for crop yields for the farmer. The "expert's opinion" may be full of smelly bull shit and it may attract flies just like the manure but ultimately it yields little fruit for the harvest, more like weeds, flies and a great stench are all "expert opinion" seem to yield.

I have seen enough experts after the wake of the Waco siege, Oklahoma City bombing, Columbine and other shootings, 9/11 attacks, Superbowl's, NFL drafts, wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, presidential elections and so on to have formed some what of an expert opinion on experts. My expert opinion on the experts is that the term expert is a synonym for idiot.

I'd like to be the guy on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC C-SPAN, Al Jazeera or the BBC with a bullshit detector and a cattle prod and a wiffle ball bat every time they bring the so called "experts" out. I'd like to have a wiffle ball bat for every time the so called "expert" said something completely redundant or just plain idiotic. I've got a pretty good bullshit detector. I wager I'd go through more wiffle ball bats and more cattle prods than anyone in the history of cattle prodding or wiffle ball. I could probably get endorsements from Hotshot and become their number one spokesman for cattle prods and I'd be open to negotiations for the highest bidders who'd like their wiffle ball bats endorsed as well. Lets see how many speaking engagements the "experts" book after that, and lets see how many books these manure spreaders sell after that.


extant said...

Nice one mate, what a great analogy :O)


The Buzzard said...

Ha Ha Tim. Good likeness of you there mate! Thanks for stopping in.